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Mahmood Mohamed, a Civil Engineer, shares the impact ICE Publishing professional practice and career development books had on his career progression and work projects.

ICE Publishing at the Frankfurt Book Fair
Review: Professional Practice books
  • Updated: 14 Oct 2019
  • Author: Mahmood Mohamed, Civil Engineer at Stantec

I have recently purchased three books with ICE Publishing: Initial Professional Development for Civil Engineers, Second edition, Successful Professional Reviews for Civil Engineers, Fourth edition (both authored by Patrick Waterhouse with H. Macdonald Steels) and Civil Engineering Procedure, Seventh edition by the Institution of Civil Engineers.  I requested the books to be delivered to Bahrain and the order only took three days to arrive!
Patrick Waterhouse’s book, Initial Professional Development for Civil Engineers, Second edition, provides a core foundation of understanding of how to prepare for and go through initial professional development. I have found it extremely useful while going through the process and the book helped me to understand each attribute and how to demonstrate the abilities of a chartered engineer. Moreover, it opened my mind to possibilities in engineering and demonstrated how to gain the required experience. I have applied the learnings in my IPD online and never felt more confident.

Successful Professional Reviews for Civil Engineers, Fourth edition explains how to get ready for the big day. The day that you have worked towards for many years. It goes into detail of what to expect during the interview and how to tackle the questions and be confident. This book opened my mind to the impact a professional engineer can have and how to become one. I have applied the advice for my professional review report and the presentation. I have also used the invaluable advice to help me to get ready for the written exercises and answer the reviewers’ questions. While reading Patrick’s book you are glued to it. I flipped through every page until the book was complete. He is truly talented and very well respected.
Civil Engineering Procedure, Seventh edition contains civil engineering foundations. Every engineer should read this book to comprehend the fundamentals of civil engineering profession. It helped me understand each stage of the project. For instance, I have applied principles I’ve learnt about the feasibility stage to my project focused on the sewer design network in the Seef area in Bahrain. I’m pleased my client was very satisfied with the report and I don’t think I would have been able to achieve such positive results if I haven’t read the book. I am really thankful Civil Engineering Procedure, made me think outside of the box and encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone and one step closer to success.
ICE Publishing is a great tool to help with continuing professional development - all their books are easy to read and rich with experience and knowledge. I look forward to purchasing more books through ICE Publishing and I totally recommend it for you too.

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